You are warmly welcomed to our Community
Our story
Back in 1973, a group of Jewish American new comers were looking for a spot to pray together in the high holidays. They found a small room in the local school, and started praying in a small familiar Minyan. The Minyan first Yom Kippur prayer was interrupted as the 1973 war broke. Thus, we came through.
Since then, the Minyan has grown. We were blessed with Rabbi Michael Graetz and his family, who have set the foundations for the community's spiritual and educational foundations, including gender equality, a very successful Bar/t mitzvah Program, community Tora lessons and interfaith relationships.
From a Minyan we grew into a community with an after school program hosting most of Omer's first to third graders, volunteering initiatives, a local music group and much more.
Members of that first Minyan from the seventies are still playing key roles in our community and Shul. We cherish their long involvement and are inspired by their commitment. You may find some of their names here.
We hope and aim to keep that old warm feeling as we move forward through times and generations.
Service times:
Shabbat Evening: 17:30-18:45 (Kabalat Shabbat, Maariv and Kidush).
Shabbat Morning: 09:00-10:30 (Shacharit, Tora reading, Short Lesson and Musaf).
We hold services regularly on all Jewish and Israeli holidays.
Please Tell us when you're around
If you're visiting Israel or thinking to move here, feel free to contact us with any question you may have..
If you're staying for Shabbat is southern Israel and wish to join our services - the door is always open (no booking is required)
Let us know when you're around, so we can host you for a Shabbat Dinner and/or coordinate "Aliya" to the Tora in Shabbat Morning.