Magen Avraham 2021 Community Update
Insights from a very unusual year

Renewal and Hope
Gal Chaikin, President of Magen Avraham.
Like the blossoms of spring, we at Congregation Magen Avraham in Omer, are beginning to feel renewal and hope. After a difficult year, and with many issues related to COVID 19 still ahead of us, we are looking forward to reestablishing the activities of our congregation...
The Back to Shul Challenge
Rabbi Yosef Baruch Fromer
The times we live in are changing rapidly and dramatically. For many of us, here in Israel, the last year has been an emotional and social roller coaster. Three long quarantine periods, combined with two general elections, have generated instability in all areas of life....

Keeping Connected when you can't!
Claire Homans Bouzaglo
The Covid 19 virus arrived like a bad storm toward the end of February 2020. No one really knew what is was and how it was going to affect our reality.
At the beginning of March new regulations were being publicized, people from the age 60 and over were told to stay at home.

Bread for All - Our food distribuition initiative.
Ze'ev Porat
The traditional blessing that Jews have repeated for many generations before eating their bread, is Hamotzi Lechem, which praises the Lord for bringing forth bread from the earth. Bread is considered the most basic food by many cultures. In the biblical story, when Adam was expelled from the Garden of Eden, the Lord told him...
Meet our new Rabbi
Coming from Greek origins, Rabbi Yosef believes that celebrating our Jewish diversity is the key for building a healthier peaceful Israel.
He is committed to social justice, activism and peace. He sees the connection between Jewish traditions and values to the deep "Tikun" that Israel needs.

Supporting Lone Soldiers
Claire Homans Bouzaglo
For the last 2 years Magen Avraham members have been cooking Shabbat meals once every 2 months for lone soldiers from the Michael Levine Lone Soldier Center in Beer-Sheva. These lone soldiers - are new immigrants, foreign volunteers and Israeli born youth estranged from their families and we feel that it is important that they have a wholesome and healthy meal on Friday nights...